In this talk, we will discuss recent results from ultrafast tabletop
laser compression experiments on fluids, polymers, and high energy
density organic molecules including single crystals. Previous work on
ultrafast shocked metals will be summarized and serve as an
introduction to our technical approach. Extreme material theories
benefit from this research through a growing understanding of how
ultrahigh strain rate (108 -1011 s-1)
loading processes affect later-time high-strain rate (104
-106 s-1) phenomena occurring on macroscale
Larger scale gun-based compression platforms nominally generate
106 s-1 maximum equilibrated strain rate loads;
however, initial rising transient strain rates —not measured— may
actually reach ultrahigh values. At present, the ultrafast shock
community currently utilizes diagnostics that measure hydrodynamic
flow and UV/VIS absorption; however, these methods tell us nothing
directly about structure or chemical states. (We can consider
perspectives on the viability of potential solutions to this
long-standing challenge.) Nonetheless, when we’ve matched —on
identical temporal and spatial scales— hydrodynamic data with
commensurate molecular dynamics or crystal mechanics simulation
results, more comprehensive pictures materialize that further
illuminate the progression of early-time shock induced phenomena, such
as high-strain rate induced elastic to plastic wave transitions
preceding chemical initiation. Definitive knowledge gaps are also
We will conclude this presentation with an example of how one may use
ultrafast compression-quench experiments to freeze metastable
intermediate products. Shockwave compression states normally release
to high-temperature thermodynamic states governed by the heat capacity
of the starting material; however, by stopping (at an early-stage)
shock induced chemical decomposition, i.e., bond breaking, one can
trap or even consider synthesizing previously inaccessible transient
species. For example, diamond formation from shocked TATB
(1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene) had been predicted for decades
and was finally proved correct using this novel experimental approach.
Dr. Joseph (Joe) Zaug - Founding member (1997) and leader of the High
Pressure Chemistry Group within the Materials Sciences Division at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry,
University of Washington, Seattle, 1994; B.S. in Chemistry, Illinois
Institute of Technology, 1988) He has twenty-five years of experience
developing tools that quasi-statically and/or dynamically compress
materials and engineering new approaches to characterize extreme
condition material response using primarily laser-based
systems. Numerous grand-challenge science issues have been met by
these innovations resulting in high-profile publications in
disciplines such as geophysics, high-pressure physics and chemistry
including chemical synthesis, and materials science. Joe and his group
actively collaborate with international and U.S. collaborators. His
current research focus is on measuring equations of state and physical
or chemical phase transitions of single crystals, polymers, and
composite materials subjected to quasi-static and ultrahigh strain
rate loads. This work performed under the auspices of the
U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344